Fengtao Software Inc.

Publisher Information

Fengtao Software Inc. is a software developer located in China*. Thre are 6 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
8/5/2009 4:38:40 AM

Valid to:
8/5/2012 4:38:40 AM

E=service@dvdfab.com, CN=Fengtao Software Inc., O=Fengtao Software Inc., C=CN

CN=GlobalSign ObjectSign CA, OU=ObjectSign CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.InstallCore.IM (L)

0 / 68
DVDFab.exe (DVDFab by Fengtao Software)  (c4dae407bf5ea5c32ccf97a414c0f17f)

0 / 68
DVDFab.exe (DVDFab by Fengtao Software)  (36b5cd661097ab47caca438c883000d2)

0 / 68
dvdfab.sys (DVDFab Passkey by Fengtao Software)  (5efb030698094c58686ad13d310cfa38)

0 / 68
vdrive.dll (DVDFab Virtual Drive by Fengtao Software)  (103562fc577a67b43eb4a089f4e5cd96)

0 / 68
vdrive.sys (DVDFab Virtual Drive by Fengtao Software)  (4e738e857d2d71a5f8bec08a2391de01)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (0dc9dc568b65c6fd2b4d511f6a8ad683)

0 / 68
vdrive.dll (DVDFab Virtual Drive by Fengtao Software)  (73d08ebdcd6f7a397182e5f15345367a)

0 / 68
vdrive.sys (DVDFab Virtual Drive by Fengtao Software)  (4bc34e0d48156f093f331c06d39a3870)

0 / 68
dvdfabio.sys (DVDFab by Fengtao Software)  (cafc6d30e3758740d41e0778af4e89c8)

0 / 68
dvdfabnoncss7093.exe  (a133194f19c8ba4dc3500eb619e0855e)

0 / 68
MFC90.DLL (Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 by Microsoft)  (111993213b8a9f2736d02f6856a19b6e)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (da8720be47897458c2b99f9124442d62)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (0cbc36ebd664e8ff5cac36159fb50b54)

0 / 68
setup.exe (DVDFab2 BD & DVD Copy by Fengtao Software)  (2624e7588376d03d2833e572838b9a5f)

0 / 68
DVDFab.exe (DVDFab by Fengtao Software)  (03647a47d91da80aee79c2c3cb92451d)

0 / 68

0 / 68
dvdfab7087beta.exe (DVDFab 7 by Fengtao Software)  (824d83a5db2b8fe994b1c8ce3a65612c)

0 / 68
dvdfabfile2mobile.exe (DVDFab by Fengtao Software)  (c45c312eb042e0456ceb266c040173f8)

0 / 68
DVDFab.exe (DVDFab by Fengtao Software)  (1a43cd57066e26db9f9924681006f3f5)

1 / 68      (PUP)
dvdfab8185qt.exe (DVDFab 8 Qt by Fengtao Software)  (0914867624604de0871664a09c222f8b)

Latest 30 of 2,481 files

The certificates below are also signed by Fengtao Software Inc..

199EFAA76D42908BDF76B782  (Sep 14, 2016 to Sep 15, 2018)

11217C24BFB19545050CF6369C8471712EDC  (Aug 04, 2015 to Aug 04, 2018)

1121E2B067DC6C4CC14498C65561316A9EAC  (Sep 14, 2015 to Aug 03, 2018)

11216DD6CF9EDC284A1D55A2581FF851EA00  (Jul 30, 2012 to Jul 31, 2015)

00C81C1184F44C2018338565A3C8C750BB  (Oct 09, 2008 to Oct 10, 2011)

7364ECA0C97381E4133496BA31D509C9  (Sep 16, 2007 to Sep 16, 2008)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Fengtao Software Inc. by GlobalSign nv-sa on August 05, 2009 with the serial number '01000000000122e89cf68e'.