Opera Software AS

Publisher Information

Opera Software AS is a software developer located in Oslo, Norway*. Thre are 2 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
DigiCert Inc

Valid from:
6/23/2016 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
6/27/2019 2:00:00 PM

CN=Opera Software AS, O=Opera Software AS, L=Oslo, S=Oslo, C=NO, PostalCode=NO-0484, STREET=Gjerdrums vei 19, SERIALNUMBER=916 368 127, OID., OID. Organization

CN=DigiCert EV Code Signing CA (SHA2), OU=www.digicert.com, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

Serial number:

Safe publisher

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opera.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (d6ec209f506ffb4b3adae2b538c2a99e)

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29b4f965_stp.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (edbdfce40a3465a2f239c803548957ad)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (b7abf0c43ef1f9996f8c6e1c581583a5)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (632db5277be2b2923587fa89002a4d77)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (154584508035ba72647a49fd14bd31ed)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (d9cea64c1bb733c4ea6630a9e80ec4bb)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (139add9b3c1a1031b5f6b34cf2aa9a6b)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (8dadb4e1bad4cf350e3486b1c2ba961e)

0 / 68
opera.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (39cf6a998ee28dbf78fd82a557a84ffa)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (bdb00017a5d4ff7125f89ecfd2a69bac)

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13b1df90_stp.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (1b54cff4c73a853bf176a33960dd5f5c)

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1ba7ded6_stp.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (7db02c6d0f659644026d7e733420e9c6)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (5b24d6498a23f58e33fe6be9c0eb79d8)

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7929e8a4_stp.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (87f58b3296d05fcf828f38d8bb870cb2)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (6caa762e0847e5aa2fbbed4c25776c4a)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (e3771ee22b2a58d1ed773438c016c175)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (2a5a14f0a4a2a0a22a6960409a7b0d59)

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68264cd6_stp.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (08069f7859c4053942273c3c0627d7a4)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (f913340711f4ee4bdcad78836219898a)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (383b091c4cb917b8d866889869f6f139)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (83b324aa6e53d8e4cb9b5f52feb6f735)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (ff98f85d216868d0b500c3c0a6db0dd8)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (0a3e23358f8bd1f1e1e26e9e5a726b53)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (8a611567ad6b912ef680aafcd54f6461)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (e2ba87a4fadf106e878cfa08ddf07ca0)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (b273b3d16b3c19a4533bda0f61f07011)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (93a5357a2ba91a8b056decfd2dcdb3a2)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (437e228b8d024b8cb9dd22baed7aaf30)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (b935e289777032d2cd582b2034f42a67)

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operasetup.exe (Opera Installer by Opera Software)  (f13cc75262e1640adf6f95735e2d9653)

Latest 30 of 886,937 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Opera Software AS.

The certificates below are also signed by Opera Software AS.

5CC7ACEBCA2C00075FE2DE17B80E3A61  (Jul 12, 2001 to Jul 13, 2002)

3C60F9B72944C219A43F7A383B2207FC  (Jun 14, 2000 to Jun 15, 2001)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Opera Software AS by DigiCert Inc on June 23, 2016 with the serial number '0fde84f0d55d8d3368325dc0cdc4a979'.