
Chinesegamer International, Corp

Domain Information

The domain hsgamepatch.chinesegamer.net registered by Chinesegamer International, Corp was initially registered in March of 2000 through TUCOWS DOMAINS INC.. The hosted servers are located in Taipei, T'Ai-Wan within Taiwan which resides on the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre network.

Server location:
T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan (TW)

Create date:
Tuesday, March 7, 2000

Expires date:
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Updated date:
Friday, December 31, 2010

Root domain:

The domain hsgamepatch.chinesegamer.net has been seen to resolve to the following 3 IP addresses.

January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014

File downloads found at URLs served by hsgamepatch.chinesegamer.net.

1 / 68
http://hsgamepatch.chinesegamer.net/.../hstxsetup.exe  (7bdc82755dccf4ae89285b608398f142)

Global rank:  187,244
Backlinks:  374

Statistics are for the previous month (Alexa statistics are for entire chinesegamer.net).