
PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC  (Proxy Registrant)

Domain Information

The domain www.crestron.com is registered by proxy through Network Solutions, LLC and was originally registered in January of 1999. The hosted servers are located in Irving, Texas within the United States which resides on the Data Return network.
Network Solutions, LLC

Server location:
Texas, United States (US)

Create date:
Wednesday, January 27, 1999

Expires date:
Friday, January 27, 2023

Updated date:
Monday, October 14, 2013

AS11303 DATARETURN - Data Return,US

Root domain:

The domain www.crestron.com has been seen to resolve to the following 2 IP addresses.

November 19, 2015

May 21, 2015

File downloads found at URLs served by www.crestron.com.

0 / 68

0 / 68
http://www.crestron.com/downloads/.../cr_glpac-dimflv.zip  (e0b3a9043cba0adbf2bb37e699bb05f0)

0 / 68

Latest 30 of 50 download URLs


“Control Systems for Home Automation, Campus & Building Control by Crestron Electronics”

“Crestron is the world's leader for advanced home, campus & building control automation solutions. Crestron touch screens & keypads provide solutions for audio, video, computer & environmental system control in order to connect you to the ultimate...”

SSL certificate subject:
CN=*.crestron.com, O="Crestron Electronics, Inc.", L=Rockleigh, S=New Jersey, C=US

SSL certificate issuer:
CN=Entrust Certification Authority - L1C, OU="(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc.", OU=www.entrust.net/rpa is incorporated by reference, O="Entrust, Inc.", C=US

Web server:
Microsoft-IIS/8.0 (ASP.NET) (Version: 4.0.30319)

Likes:  296
Shares:  477
Comments:  152

Statistics are for the previous month.