Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o.

Publisher Information

Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o. is a software publisher located in Zabrze, Slaskie in Poland*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
5/11/2012 5:05:28 PM

Valid to:
5/12/2015 5:05:28 PM

Subject:, CN=Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o., O=Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o., L=Zabrze, S=Slaskie, C=PL

CN=GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - G2, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
lowcademonow_kronikizotchlani.exe  (8484fcc90f8f47a0fee8f81414d6404b)

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abyss_thewraithsofeden.exe  (248e207fe3ff2a1b2840585b2c41e7dc)

0 / 68
wsidlachumyslu_podrozalicji.exe  (80c8508ea1cb94a93ec4fcda23732c43)

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nightmaresfromthedeep_davyjones.exe  (4de0df854616df8c72ece7acd01f2262)

0 / 68
9poszlak_oddzialzamkniety.exe  (35b7fe82efbce449cc9338e9aa728806)

0 / 68

0 / 68
9clues2_theward.exe  (4936b6c9ad940a115fef488d0f574690)

0 / 68
deadlypuzzles_toymaker.exe  (22955fa18a1bd254d04742447558dd3b)

0 / 68
nightmaresfromthedeep_davyjones_ce.exe  (ea5be679844fcffc3892766a037f4dde)

0 / 68
grimlegends_theforsakenbride.exe  (6b9d092ae522ecfed0da0eaac71818f1)

0 / 68
mrocznelegendy2_czarnylabedz.exe  (d4ed4a49ccd2b877d09a0665f11d2cb1)

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wtrybachtajemnic_pannaglassidoktorink.exe  (e3779f111849904ce55ebc519130792e)

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enigmatis_mglyravenwood.exe  (de5c5a404ed812e3275532ad219726e2)

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mrocznelegendy_porzuconapannamloda.exe  (190323239aece01690b6b8ae7c9b1d0d)

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enigmatis_duchymaplecreek.exe  (abfb0ebb8fd4bd989f0cb59354d89694)

0 / 68
enigmatis_mglyravenwood.exe  (e9a0217c337ac688182cfcac1c58f0f0)

Latest 30 of 196 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o..

The following certificate is also signed by Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o..

11216A06C6729BB84E7A12AD6B43AE282453  (Apr 15, 2015 to Jun 11, 2018)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o. by GlobalSign nv-sa on May 11, 2012 with the serial number '1121cc7c166b83b7ab47a6512314aca5d125'.