Audaces Automacao e Informatica Industrial Ltda

Publisher Information

Audaces Automacao e Informatica Industrial Ltda is a software developer located in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina in Brazil*. Thre are 2 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
5/2/2012 10:06:28 AM

Valid to:
8/1/2015 1:35:06 PM

Subject:, CN=Audaces Automacao e Informatica Industrial Ltda, OU=Development, O=Audaces Automacao e Informatica Industrial Ltda, L=Florianopolis, S=Santa Catarina, C=BR

CN=GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - G2, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
ae_app.exe  (23363ee1fed49e396c9f4cadfc641a7e)

0 / 68
audaces idea_espanhol_nasnuvens_2.02-276.exe  (6f48c9c9e0964383b223c56aa5c02781)

0 / 68
nest32.exe  (fee46bbe48dd15d0e9ab145dfbf5f660)

0 / 68
am_app.exe  (756a6ed5bda73eb021c3ce3edfa6295b)

0 / 68
ae_app.exe  (e7a7bb18156d35a464cbe0d669d1133a)

0 / 68
audaces idea_portugues_6.00-3213.exe  (9fecd6b20ad4e9afa6b5ad6b06002ebb)

0 / 68
audaces digiflash_pl-pl_5.0.0-142.exe  (b4b2eabbd4b07a6e83682d9ecc4ad51b)

0 / 68
digiflash.exe  (0143fd08a0aff209161682bfc7327f70)

0 / 68
am_app.exe  (1627cd60bf8cdf873882babac5ea8bdc)

0 / 68
ae_app.exe  (42891c21f3ef89ccb8830d138bdf4671)

0 / 68
digiflash.exe  (9e89f8e2d6b4f1ad1487391edef0f507)

0 / 68
am.exe  (ff6db4acbce73ac4c486530d468748be)

0 / 68
ae_app.exe  (4183fd4ae35c0b227524de2e93eb5f61)

0 / 68
audaces+idea_portugues_5.00-289.exe  (647d3c6c1d6dab916e31be2b7602f5ff)

0 / 68
digiflash.exe  (df9b8f1d86ebc2e673fd7509fb907c33)

0 / 68
digiflash.exe  (030b8af293cc5ae7caf420b7f170bb53)

0 / 68
supera_client_app.exe  (627f74a37d90dffa5ec0a4c1dc004b24)

0 / 68
aei_app.exe  (b93f67018ff8dd008005de9675de5096)

0 / 68
ami_app.exe  (0259a0a072ed0d18b7312fba7e72e52c)

0 / 68
ae_app.exe  (a1cd0b9699a4e5da1141541c04703107)

0 / 68
am_app.exe  (c8fe1f07e2fc89cd05449b4f70431172)

0 / 68
digiflash.exe  (05d3d8e7ec8e575a1a6a8e4344e1cb21)

0 / 68
nest32.exe  (c0cd9834cfb19dc3772cd83cf49a1414)

0 / 68
am.exe  (320227230929432c46724308658b6938)

0 / 68
ae_app.exe  (a23541c1dff8ed346da81a7be8a5333e)

0 / 68
audaces vestuario 12_portugues_12.01.00-368.exe  (630bd383ee9429f7c8c1a504a4108fd2)

0 / 68
audaces ultraspool 7_portugues_7.24.01-7.exe  (cbf407a423dd9949849e645b13e36638)

0 / 68
audaces vestuario 11_portugues_11.00.10-472.exe  (5e92ec9a12366eaddb836c49e8b7c5c4)

0 / 68
am_app.exe  (161ccd22fa35b4efaa96c82546fb1784)

0 / 68
audaces_idea_en_6.00_nc-322.exe  (13b51ac77141094af23ba962281ec88f)

Latest 30 of 342 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Audaces Automacao e Informatica Industrial Ltda.

The certificates below are also signed by Audaces Automacao e Informatica Industrial Ltda.

1121986DDE3235A2A3D488EC78362DE9A2B7  (Jul 21, 2015 to Aug 31, 2018)

010000000001227EA8B122  (Jul 15, 2009 to Jul 15, 2012)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Audaces Automacao e Informatica Industrial Ltda by GlobalSign nv-sa on May 02, 2012 with the serial number '1121513eb5154fa436093f13bb5411f07e89'.