Centralx.com Ltda. - EPP

Publisher Information

Centralx.com Ltda. - EPP is a software publisher located in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais in Brazil*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
DigiCert Inc

Valid from:
1/7/2016 10:00:00 PM

Valid to:
1/10/2019 10:00:00 AM

CN=Centralx.com Ltda. - EPP, O=Centralx.com Ltda. - EPP, L=Juiz de Fora, S=Minas Gerais, C=BR, SERIALNUMBER=26.189.670/0001-91, OID., OID. Organization

CN=DigiCert EV Code Signing CA (SHA2), OU=www.digicert.com, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.InstallCore.CSH (L)

0 / 68
HiChildX.ocx (HiChildX by x)  (52b16b37b356ea4794daa2b74f489536)

0 / 68
agenda.exe (Agenda by x)  (227af5096c322e303f45e4ec8d9d8c17)

0 / 68
Clinic.exe (Centralx Clinic by x)  (d470e028018457d54995a1efdd077a66)

0 / 68
HiDoctor.exe (HiDoctor 8.0 by x)  (9c997b7371c6be281eb330b1d42f8b43)

0 / 68
Agenda.exe (Agenda by x)  (a909e8f9d81964b8f94c25181326fd15)

0 / 68
cxtexctl.ocx (cxtDataHolder by x)  (cc212015d62ce0485b09b27fe3697130)

0 / 68
MedSync.exe (MedSync by x)  (e60d072edc0fe24ee1af7fc0256936c8)

0 / 68
unins000.exe  (e612ebc4ef90b5645a5b47f4f7597d11)

0 / 68
tiss.tmp  (e72b1b5d4e5ce482e17ea4edc98af71d)

0 / 68
cxTiss.exe (CentralTISS by x)  (30ffb60e2e019785a92c279669e67a54)

1 / 68      (PUP)
tiss.exe (CentralTISS)  (83b036c9eca05a1b4a9213d1c6ccb444)

0 / 68
MedSync.exe (MedSync by x)  (8c899a7f50b4f5b57432d4ecf569ece1)

0 / 68
Agenda.exe (Agenda by x)  (05350fdbbae8998bff35ce74ac8a9d55)

0 / 68
HiDoctor.exe (HiDoctor 8.0 by x)  (3269bb79bdb69aa32e6790eb403185a4)

0 / 68
Agenda.exe (Agenda by x)  (cdf55f208ef02e4acdc6e76a8c7621b5)

0 / 68
HiDoctor.exe (HiDoctor 8.0 by x)  (ec4c09ebe0f96be0fa1e4bc204c3b94d)

0 / 68
cxTiss.exe (CentralTISS by x)  (f2eb7c2221af7881e8c6520d48aa4d73)

0 / 68
HiDoctor.exe (HiDoctor 8.0 by x)  (8cc7eb882ae1b5a7734d7bac144ccc90)

0 / 68
hidoctor- (HiDoctor 10 by Centralx)  (03d9ca2119cba27c4c9ace4130be8fce)

0 / 68
clinic.ex_ (Centralx Clinic by x)  (f87e0c6e27158925ed44cecce6b7567e)

0 / 68
agenda.exe (Agenda by x)  (d4a7c32b18548bf815b059cb6d677773)

0 / 68
clinic759_8n3ifu1.exe (7ZSfxNew by Oleg N. Scherbakov)  (cec971cf19b3019b2cac4e2f245dd6c0)

0 / 68
MedSync.exe (MedSync by x)  (384f5b1f46c930999e404d5e0f043529)

0 / 68
HiDoctor.exe (HiDoctor 8.0 by x)  (77a0b704673c730c9ccaacff02b0815d)

0 / 68
hidoctor.exe (HiDoctor X by Centralx)  (5d072a64e5e0f9485eb40acf9381b59b)

0 / 68
cxtresbin.dll (by Centralx.coma)  (b8bd3930642439d5777e417194096e2d)

0 / 68
cxtexctl.ocx (cxtDataHolder by x)  (c829deba8cd542349c4b86b75de004f3)

0 / 68
cxthidoc10.dll (cxTissHiDoctor10 by x)  (3142a6dbe27f15e6342be27401748073)

0 / 68
hidoctor8-warsawfix-setup.exe (HiDoctor Warsaw)  (46e7e4fe9a8f28f59119e3514c5f936a)

0 / 68
Agenda.exe (Agenda by x)  (6938616e6ef621d49aea1b3e3fe9bb19)

Latest 30 of 72 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Centralx.com Ltda. - EPP.

0 / 68
http://download.centralx.com.br/.../tiss.exe  (2d350374c279b950a0231a5179dc3340)

The following certificate is also signed by Centralx.com Ltda. - EPP.

0359CE688732577887A5DC9E0DF21E19  (Dec 19, 2012 to Jan 06, 2016)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Centralx.com Ltda. - EPP by DigiCert Inc on January 07, 2016 with the serial number '041dda82eaa6c3b9ddcac1372b469bb8'.