CJ E&M Corp.

Publisher Information

CJ E&M Corp. is a software publisher located in "Mapo-gu ", Seoul in Korea*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Thawte, Inc.

Valid from:
4/12/2011 9:00:00 AM

Valid to:
4/12/2013 8:59:59 AM

CN=CJ E&M Corp., O=CJ E&M Corp., L="Mapo-gu ", S=SEOUL, C=KR

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA - G2, O="Thawte, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Vba32 AntiVirus
suspected of Trojan.Downloader.gen

0 / 68
HangameStarter1.DLL (HangameStarter Module by CJ E&M)  (a3331e49366af4217796098fb7f2246c)

0 / 68
assaultgear.exe  (9050597fe2aaf52ced5e7351a62c7cf4)

0 / 68
edda_setup.exe (Legend of EDDA by SBT Co.)  (d94a750ef8272f2382e418feaabab273)

0 / 68
sachunsung2.exe  (25382670fad401f240e154ab7974e4a1)

0 / 68
richrich.exe (by CJ Internet)  (c4d10f2505a9bd070a9cd386b6d6de96)

0 / 68
ggt.exe  (47beeb3cda1def75c3881d923098fc86)

0 / 68
CatchMind.EXE  (4e798b25dbf553b37e1b0ac0a3f29521)

0 / 68
ModooMarble.exe (ModuMarble Game Client by N2Play)  (bbcae3e59c6c28b9135377401899f7f2)

0 / 68
DaumGameWizard25.exe (Daum Game Wizard by CJ E&M)  (2360f2bbbe378aa861960bb496b46b22)

0 / 68
sachunsung2.exe  (de0a7dd86f190ddbd3b378e3974aca31)

0 / 68
NMRes.DLL (by (C) N2PLAY)  (53cd69a1197656d9b584012cf74e17d5)

0 / 68
NMCrypt.DLL (by (C) N2PLAY)  (13570a850eb07a8e0897f4b426629320)

0 / 68
NMBdDraw.DLL (by (C) N2PLAY)  (d9fdf5b5709974fe661386cae245db78)

0 / 68
HangameUpdate.exe (Hangame Update Wizard by CJ E&M)  (10fd9256cff0bf17cd0f74dc9b22ea70)

0 / 68

0 / 68
poker.exe  (74cf410a001ddc75b54508b0e015b1cf)

0 / 68
MarbleVoice.exe (MarbleVoice by CJ E&M)  (02f20f6ec90b43f5f37875d258571457)

0 / 68
modumarble.exe  (57ff3583e356f605ccc4be5f78f41b48)

0 / 68
modoomarble.bin (ModuMarble Game Client by N2Play)  (80d58f4d752291b485cd5758775a8e37)

0 / 68
ModooMarble.exe (ModuMarble Game Client by N2Play)  (f75c592067e34c76ad57d5174808d0c6)

1 / 68
mmgupdater.exe (ModuMarble Game Launcher by N2Play)  (20379d5399bfcf12b188952c36d1fe88)

0 / 68
modumarblestringresource.dll  (18d14dd37c7156ab43464da1f0f7bf28)

0 / 68
ModooMarble.exe (ModuMarble Game Client by N2Play)  (ec311000424bd13344e45e5f62a467b0)

0 / 68
GlbMSLauncher.exe (Netmarble Launcher by SBT)  (377debe68093e6e7497259380cdfc737)

0 / 68
MarbleStation.exe (Netmarble Launcher by SBT)  (5f0e2b35a00dfbe564466e1b04cd572e)

0 / 68
GlbMSLauncher.exe (Netmarble Launcher by SBT)  (4866beaefe199223c48777c743a687bf)

0 / 68
PmangWizard1.exe (Pmang Game Wizard by CJ E&M)  (6f11ebc971ba8cb21d817c9724341884)

Latest 30 of 203 files

The following certificate is also signed by CJ E&M Corp..

2C506F43DC7083CB97D98DAFDFE39582  (Apr 10, 2013 to May 10, 2016)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to CJ E&M Corp. by Thawte, Inc. on April 12, 2011 with the serial number '058f3a01bf7e7ae84a3eb342ab0eecf9'.