Cockos Incorporated

Publisher Information

Cockos Incorporated is a software developer located in New York, New York in the United States*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.

Valid from:
8/21/2012 9:00:00 PM

Valid to:
8/22/2017 8:59:59 PM

CN=Cockos Incorporated, O=Cockos Incorporated, STREET=54 Howard Street, STREET=2nd Floor, L=New York, S=NY, PostalCode=10013, C=US

CN=COMODO Code Signing CA 2, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester, C=GB

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
reaper432_x64-install.exe  (61d9cff2b14430ef2bc1aca98ac2c5ec)

0 / 68
reaper478-install.exe  (8d0478811d15b6b006d3cca1bff2a9e2)

0 / 68
7368dcebf3ccd2c0f95908f6b81425fc2b775d34  (751d83541c7ea27d507037f641602751)

0 / 68
reaper432-install.exe  (bad566bbdf09cedc0b7334dd471125da)

0 / 68
reaper4591_x64-install_6.exe  (4500f9f12697f5f114f385afcca2ebb6)

0 / 68
42fb0cfd_stp.dat  (1a43497ffa5fb5f4f2c78e247bff4114)

0 / 68
reaper459_x64-install.exe  (a1f2b4a8c44f2e870873501500b0c8a0)

0 / 68
reaper459-install(ini yang jadi).exe  (0741148ed0e809e0ccf9af633c6ba2d8)

0 / 68
reaper473_x64-install.exe  (21c00cfc065d7dc856aa30da2fc44f86)

0 / 68
reaper50pre15_x64-install.exe  (5fa0846e7d0b6cd7b719e685194755d7)

0 / 68
reaper50_x64-install.exe  (35282ac6928118acc7e1137c3793f995)

0 / 68
reaper460repre1_x64-install.exe  (91bbe45fa3528e1abd0296cf21172f76)

0 / 68
reaper457_x64-install.exe  (2c274fc41ade69ddbae1ade95704fd75)

0 / 68
reaper rc13 v5.0_x86.exe  (970c56c76c0356d2dd82b672d8ab6330)

0 / 68
reaper rc13 v5.0_x64.exe  (4e52b7462cdbacc6f25f990386594054)

0 / 68
c4006330f89c2dd8c2a2847383e9409e6f353bdd  (0b5edc704b29eb2a339fe92d462b92bf)

0 / 68
reaper478-install.exe  (34665147293924b2d0c61c6607745496)

0 / 68
reaper 5.1 rc1 x64  (58835e64edae10b8ae8397ef109b7682)

0 / 68
reaper472_x64-install.exe  (458373c6026f674981e0555eef304773)

0 / 68
reaper472_x64-install.exe  (b4b1f17dd019614a0f6509d64e400bf5)

0 / 68
reaper4591-install.exe  (8389b8e0fa7ccc408a1e62af56f58093)

0 / 68
reaper4591-install.exe  (6a1e7d85003ce3d38856999b6c159370)

0 / 68
reaper4591-install.exe  (8049689d83d5eba1ce822b053475ba0f)

0 / 68
reaper432_x64-install.exe  (c96c817eac423718b8e3a7697921626b)

0 / 68
reaper50pre15-install.exe  (18648ac7f610234ec50a0e37a03c30e7)

0 / 68
setup.x64.exe  (a7243daa52a9805e90cbf043b56ad28c)

0 / 68
reaper475-install.exe  (1d5c162a371f45b11b3e1ebe4de7afbb)

0 / 68
9b7a5573-dbd8-5433-1cba-5385cc17b587_1d1ef1d315d794e  (a65babc4c538869b0b9225727bbbd52b)

0 / 68
reaper472_x64-install.exe  (8a316fadd26df94336c2d621e786bcb3)

0 / 68
reaper472-install.exe  (0e4090ea934146c70d3f2db1c12ad002)

Latest 30 of 234 files

The following certificate is also signed by Cockos Incorporated.

7719736A3F6AA54CA85555CFCCC64643  (Jan 14, 2016 to Jan 14, 2021)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Cockos Incorporated by COMODO CA Limited on August 21, 2012 with the serial number '3284e38e1e6c393edf993fedeffc39f6'.