Jay Prall

Publisher Information

Jay Prall is a software developer located in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States*.

Valid from:
9/17/2006 9:01:55 AM

Valid to:
9/17/2007 9:11:55 AM

CN=Jay Prall, OU=Software Development, L=Boston, S=MA, C=US, E=jayprall@gmail.com

CN=Ascertia CA 1, OU=Class 1 Certificate Authority, O=Ascertia, C=GB

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
e79cc7290c8629054d0e799367e5840e563ef506 (by Jay Prall)  (59057f1439d3cbb165e435e7011ffe32)

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colorcop.exe (Color Cop by Jay Prall)  (b8abe38896926a0d083b3a363d1778bd)

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colorcop.exe (Color Cop by Jay Prall)  (ef8267cf28a1fba0e6b2ca11f4ca3cb7)

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colorcop.exe (Color Cop by Jay Prall)  (d4900929bf0f0fd826a23e6442db3a7c)

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colorcop.exe (Color Cop by Jay Prall)  (6f25f245ea93b8d0d708406ed1773a81)

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colorcop-setup.exe (by Jay Prall)  (b00efe0590ef681281d578beab55f120)

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colorcop.exe (Color Cop by Jay Prall)  (758524cde15d4bc1704811c3c0ea156b)

Downloads URLs for files signed by Jay Prall.

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0 / 68
http://colorcop.net/tools/.../colorcop-setup.exe  (b00efe0590ef681281d578beab55f120)

0 / 68

The following websites host and distribute files published by Jay Prall.

The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Jay Prall by Ascertia on September 17, 2006 with the serial number '44540b3d000000003aea'.