Roger Zander

Publisher Information

Roger Zander is a software publisher located in Kollbrunn, Zurich in Switzerland*. Thre are 2 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
StartCom Ltd.

Valid from:
3/12/2016 1:36:20 AM

Valid to:
3/12/2018 2:36:20 AM

CN=Roger Zander, O=Roger Zander, L=Kollbrunn, S=Zurich, C=CH

CN=StartCom Class 2 Object CA, OU=StartCom Certification Authority, O=StartCom Ltd., C=IL

Serial number:

Inconclusive detections from multiple engines

Scan engine

MSIL/Packed.Confuser.J suspicious (variant)

Qihoo 360 Security
HEUR/QVM03.0.Malware.Gen, HEUR/QVM42.1.Malware.Gen, HEUR/QVM03.0.0000.Malware.Gen

c:\users\test\appdata\local\temp\435514458114d92857ea843bcd788e565acd193b /RP:C:\Users\test\AppData\

MSIL/Packed.Confuser.J suspicious application

0 / 68
ruckzuck provider for oneget_x64.msi  (f2ed55917608171eb428be40e2edf497)

0 / 68
RuckZuck.exe (RuckZuck by Zander Tools)  (026f1122c12b49ba575e22996ba56b47)

0 / 68
client center for configuration manager_v1.0.2.12.x64.msi  (891361c28435e41988631500da41121c)

0 / 68
client center for configuration manager_v1.0.2.12.msi  (75f7c39f1d8946ea3cafaf4502a20487)

0 / 68
RZUpdate.exe (RZUpdate by Zander Tools)  (509f915c5404c725f732125f3d1dc6d2)

0 / 68

0 / 68
Plugin_RuckZuck.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (d39e4e9efb57bc288e18fc1952693249)

0 / 68
Plugin_Regedit.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (f794910667caf1bd5f2a1fef02c4630b)

0 / 68
Plugin_RDP.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (77ba13f02e5b3f8f5229490528052111)

0 / 68
Plugin_MSInfo32.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (11435c4d133de35dec7e713f2c1b7b63)

0 / 68
Plugin_FEP.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (9a16254ad8c914aa3bed97b7078f3d71)

0 / 68
Plugin_Explorer.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (0bed491a9ded14eabc4081bba6eb4e89)

0 / 68
Plugin_CompMgmt.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (7aff8ccae5a72373b137f747b8f0abdc)

0 / 68
Plugin_AppV46.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (bf9ca9e55c5d5ee21006925316f3da81)

0 / 68

0 / 68
RuckZuck.exe (RuckZuck by Zander Tools)  (913b83df0c235259f655855b6e0d1fdb)

0 / 68
SCCMCliCtrWPF.exe (SCCMCliCtr by SCCM Tools)  (ca6aef0ba1a2a1b63267c55a6f7a1752)

0 / 68

2 / 68
RuckZuck.exe (RuckZuck by Zander Tools)  (b0f731406bc14766006ccd3e0c10b6d9)

0 / 68
SCCMCliCtrWPF.exe (SCCMCliCtr by SCCM Tools)  (eb25fa610847a27c0ca563f8a5ef8668)

2 / 68
RuckZuck.exe (RuckZuck by Zander Tools)  (e268b33def54d897f84837b860decfc4)

1 / 68
RuckZuck.exe (RuckZuck by Zander Tools)  (123837a0cb5e883dffec1f67636d4c83)

1 / 68      (inconclusive)

0 / 68
RuckZuck.exe (RuckZuck by Zander Tools)  (a1127472d283c36eef843e604720b5d5)

0 / 68
SCCMCliCtrWPF.exe (SCCMCliCtr by SCCM Tools)  (386adeaab341cbf4e2da5347da8ec90f)

0 / 68

0 / 68
Plugin_SelfUpdate.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (967381bc51a260ec4c84738029382e70)

0 / 68
Plugin_RuckZuck.dll (SCCMCliCtrWPF by SCCM Tools)  (b55a73f87b51b68deb5c360a3f7ee78a)

Latest 30 of 62 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by Roger Zander.

The following websites host and distribute files published by Roger Zander.

The certificates below are also signed by Roger Zander.

0FCF  (Aug 24, 2014 to Aug 24, 2016)

45463E263060AAA8C4260DCEE1F8977E  (Aug 10, 2013 to Aug 10, 2014)

The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.

30 of 30 publishers

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Roger Zander by StartCom Ltd. on March 12, 2016 with the serial number '6ce4cf3dc449e4f0f58b5b76e48d4580'.