Publisher Information

STEEK is a software developer located in Bruges, Aquitaine in France*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd.

Valid from:
7/3/2008 2:00:00 AM

Valid to:
7/4/2009 1:59:59 AM

CN=STEEK, OU=STEEK, O=STEEK, L=Bruges, S=Aquitaine, C=FR

CN=Thawte Code Signing CA, O=Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd., C=ZA

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
bezpieczna kopia.exe (by Agematis)  (458fec50baef6fca3b6704cbd9c498da)

0 / 68
agmailagent.exe  (f8b0b13c139746f1f4e2ffebbd7a0717)

0 / 68
terrasync.exe (by Agematis)  (8c8f6d46beee70749faf1a1c240b6239)

0 / 68
aguninstallclean.exe  (2cc8ced713e415f5b830b89cde8203ab)

0 / 68
terradesktop.dll (AGDrive Dynamic Link Library)  (465a08f840aa54a81298210a5e345428)

0 / 68
vstuff_backup_setup.exe (V Stuff Backup by Agematis)  (3df612bff5344db4e80df2be4c701cfd)

0 / 68
aguninstallclean.exe  (a2634c7d67dc3d469e8f362303743ce0)

0 / 68
stockage_auto.exe (by Agematis)  (e1686752af9a6758a7a8c0eac76d877d)

0 / 68
aguninstallclean.exe  (64cc6ff4c3066f94c2c1e5433fb5b781)

0 / 68
agmailagent.exe  (76914cb02b7a0e29479c3c224f9aaef3)

0 / 68
amisbackup.exe (by Agematis)  (dd7d34d166b72bd61cce3369bc3b3665)

0 / 68
terragiga_desktop_setup.exe (by Agematis)  (bd2b161ccc0fdbb63affce2e121cad62)

0 / 68
online backup.-.exe (Online Backup by Agematis)  (d42fe4f05f8c5a3c5b222aa491812ca4)

0 / 68
agupdateclean.exe  (ad8c6660825c5946a47a018d385bef3d)

0 / 68
aguninstallclean.exe  (1efcf784cdc8303010ab32e4c06a7d36)

0 / 68
agmailagent.exe  (1e5f3ada48e9726cead0c145f769c6e8)

0 / 68
fsolb-eu.exe (by Agematis)  (b2238a8e38a13a4e2e99b55f22607a3b)

0 / 68
9gigadisque_beta.exe (by Agematis)  (ffdf3eebe91c070a65b047d0dd202699)

0 / 68
pc_9gigasynchro.exe (9Giga Synchro by Agematis)  (2ae2c3178d4a7b6ec4b217e9aa5c9678)

0 / 68
aguninstallclean.exe  (f0feb615c9e6f63ba6a3e5a446605c10)

0 / 68
neuf_drive.dll (AGDrive Dynamic Link Library)  (ddcd44fd9fbe078a3fa8495f2d03a2ce)

0 / 68
aguninstallclean.exe  (c29f5bea36052eefca90fbed4b753676)

0 / 68
9giga_synchro.exe (by Agematis)  (1864c93624ad0309a796bcaa849ca109)

The following certificate is also signed by STEEK.

452CB13353871FBF04C4E2F88277E12A  (Jun 23, 2009 to Jul 05, 2011)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to STEEK by Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd. on July 03, 2008 with the serial number '1f75e21363e8866a35a81083f8cc7d78'.