Unimake Solucoes Corporativas Ltda

Publisher Information

Unimake Solucoes Corporativas Ltda is a software publisher located in Paranavai, Parana in Brazil*. There is one additional code signing certificate issued to this publisher.
GlobalSign nv-sa

Valid from:
2/10/2015 4:02:58 PM

Valid to:
2/11/2016 4:02:58 PM

E=sergio@unimake.com.br, CN=Unimake Solucoes Corporativas Ltda, OU=TI, O=Unimake Solucoes Corporativas Ltda, L=Paranavai, S=Parana, C=BR

CN=GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Serial number:

No known positive detections

Scan engine

Reason Heuristics
PUP.InstallCore.CSH (L)

0 / 68
NFe.UI.dll (NFe.UI by Unimake)  (e281e8f24ccb0814ba87789b0cd77277)

0 / 68
MetroFramework.dll (MetroFramework by Sven Walter)  (c3d7da3d1d28eb3c0467822e26fffe47)

0 / 68
upd.EXE (upd by Unimake Software)  (45c52ccaccae5be8585ae8c98b42cfef)

0 / 68
NFe.Service.dll (NFe.Service)  (f0fe4f90f2a85c915a051e270a308ce2)

0 / 68

0 / 68
NFe.Threadings.dll (NFe.Threadings)  (dadaaf282f2f1181f1f7cc4aa0080721)

0 / 68
NFe.Interface.dll (NFe.Interface)  (53abf13a97f6e1b065f22f7d0a6b573e)

0 / 68
NFe.Components.Info.dll (NFe.Components.Info)  (6977b9ed9ac4fbdb92ba105c730abe6a)

0 / 68
NFe.Settings.dll (NFe.Settings)  (72fbd595878f392d4deeba4ff596a125)

0 / 68
NFe.Components.dll (NFe.Components)  (8814365d2df7f2d2b96c6895008539c4)

0 / 68
upd.exe  (ca5e133585615480b9d15b3a709fade8)

1 / 68      (PUP)
iuninfe.exe (UniNFe by Unimake Softwares)  (35e601c047b0a4114861a6876a2a1f43)

0 / 68
nfecomm0.exe  (077e14fb45e93a1c7d1302cb7e231b6c)

0 / 68
NFe.Validate.dll (NFe.Validate)  (cbe3882cc66749765ccaa5451430e473)

0 / 68
NFe.ConvertTxt.dll (NFe.ConvertTxt)  (ec6e6fc84d048eaac8c4fb9b8cd48973)

0 / 68
NFe.Certificado.dll (NFe.Certificado)  (de1722d58ecd02f16e2d4a18367f1318)

0 / 68
NFe.Service.dll (NFe.Service)  (6d01dc0480abfd18be21059738eed1fc)

0 / 68

0 / 68
NFe.Threadings.dll (NFe.Threadings)  (a2e68c36f162b3fccde0d680a90d82bb)

0 / 68
NFe.UI.dll (NFe.UI by Unimake)  (4dc92b7fad908d3718074651812091e9)

0 / 68
MetroFramework.dll (MetroFramework by Sven Walter)  (1be64d1a8398e6113f23d7e722304561)

0 / 68
NFe.Components.Info.dll (NFe.Components.Info)  (77ce53ef500d22eb04b0ef249c54c633)

0 / 68
NFe.Components.dll (NFe.Components)  (726e17b978d9d4ead3fadf322a85782f)

0 / 68
NFe.Settings.dll (NFe.Settings)  (629f281ed194c81070e08de06c3e82cb)

0 / 68
upd.EXE (upd by Unimake Software)  (3e723d1f7445eaa331f3a4bf23cd85ad)

1 / 68      (PUP)
iuninfe.exe (UniNFe by Unimake Softwares)  (3463da82017eb4ac208b562fd1252e36)

0 / 68
unidanfe.EXE (UniDANFE by Unimake Software)  (cc3414b527caa68d2a9fb57e59230644)

0 / 68
unidanfe.EXE (UniDANFE by Unimake Software)  (c007248239ae905a6d645c2dca97eb50)

0 / 68
NFe.ConvertTxt.dll (NFe.ConvertTxt)  (8a260fe96f82e4d920333fe3856eb01f)

0 / 68
NFe.Validate.dll (NFe.Validate)  (46ad8272ac5c5d2eb143050a19a2f913)

Latest 30 of 588 files

The following certificate is also signed by Unimake Solucoes Corporativas Ltda.

1121643443590823AF3AE1D3D31BBA9D1652  (Feb 04, 2015 to Feb 05, 2016)

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to Unimake Solucoes Corporativas Ltda by GlobalSign nv-sa on February 10, 2015 with the serial number '112189a00d5ba4c09e19fdb597a26ed35687'.