Publisher Information

XINGCHEN ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY is a software developer located in ShenZhen, Guangdong in China*. Thre are 2 additional code signing certificates issued to this publisher.
VeriSign, Inc.

Valid from:
5/16/2008 3:00:00 AM

Valid to:
4/25/2009 2:59:59 AM

CN=XINGCHEN ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY, OU=Engineer Department, OU=Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v2, O=XINGCHEN ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY, L=ShenZhen, S=GuangDong, C=CN

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2004 CA, OU=Terms of use at (c)04, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

Serial number:

No known positive detections

0 / 68
fcvap32.dll  (9a55cff7bce0a274b42dfbd73be9a393)

0 / 68
ezfrd32.dll  (d0225e55ed374e4d4d661b758fa22fac)

0 / 68
alkmpx1.sys (Your Product Name by Your)  (4b50448ad8d02777c8de399e6f468b84)

0 / 68
GameControler.EXE (GameControler Application)  (e397415fa67ab40527ca1eccb068bc37)

0 / 68
install.exe (USB install by WangYunpeng)  (0157cea98de450e7c465ede30ac50b5d)

0 / 68
install64.exe (USB install by WangYunpeng)  (a74b6b9f1269675b679222b4886f71ae)

0 / 68
pxn-8601.exe  (3d38ab1676d3a7993f5ff7deb39c2307)

0 / 68
GameControler.EXE (GameControler Application)  (03fa9eb6e612259fccd7cce92287f32a)

0 / 68
usb gamepad.exe (USB Gampad Application)  (6f85b06d098ed9b4cb6b77b7fbe26e07)

0 / 68
fcvap64.dll  (fc755dcb8d82873b8ad4b969fd170dc3)

0 / 68
fcvap32.dll  (10a0cd204b7636f7210d20df35a6064d)

0 / 68
install64.exe (USB install by WangYunpeng)  (f9d9fe4e4f364218e2e0bbc59fc4b871)

0 / 68
install.exe (USB install by WangYunpeng)  (1ee8304cdf0ea9fdda8e2c8fa3e797b6)

0 / 68
setreg64.exe  (948ccf294de1005d3f0e08f2af58a775)

0 / 68
almkpx6.sys (Your Product Name by Your)  (2ea787f405ee716c98bcead7fb6c95aa)

0 / 68
almdpx8.sys (Your Product Name by Your)  (6f5a642b5b646dfe0839db6bb65e1db5)

0 / 68
ampx06.sys (Your Product Name by Your)  (8d8c88bfff537e9f4693e77aa335fc88)

0 / 68
setup.exe  (ca35d389ec5e5d87a579b95572e1ea1a)

0 / 68
fcvap64.dll  (8867e3db26ace9b959404c91c903a56d)

0 / 68
fcvap32.dll  (4833e76e78b59e1f16906c4405fba907)

0 / 68
fcvap32.dll  (6d5e4fc6af8619426b9ddeeb31ea15b6)

0 / 68
fcvap64.dll  (1553334d0a913b4083aee036271bd182)

0 / 68
fcvap32.dll  (3299a8ea28253659c8b61889f7dd2ce3)

0 / 68
ezfrd64.dll  (a987ef6397f24f7814414c41216b9cd6)

0 / 68
usb gamepad.exe (WYunpeng Application)  (3d85b72f68fab938b157cba945770d4b)

0 / 68
setreg64.exe  (dacc61ae88f217f72aab81c3956b6538)

0 / 68
fcvap64.dll  (4cc2088a21d0662488d15e7cc52805dd)

0 / 68
install64.exe (USB install by WangYunpeng)  (e32313b21e311f8e41e831cc3752dfe0)

0 / 68
pc twin shock.exe (InstallShield by Macrovision)  (fe6529fd5eb14d46cc34ea00204b8592)

0 / 68
GameControler.EXE (GameControler Application)  (302e43675ae0ad711b819ffae57be459)

Latest 30 of 58 files

Downloads URLs for files signed by XINGCHEN ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY.

The following websites host and distribute files published by XINGCHEN ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY.

The certificates below are also signed by XINGCHEN ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY.

5BF1C0AD9450BAD62E43AB03CEE59ADC  (Aug 01, 2011 to Aug 01, 2013)

6322001EDCA2DA3D157EC89D16DF5C04  (May 19, 2009 to May 20, 2011)

The following publishers (by Authenticode signature organization name) are related.

* Note, the details and description above are based on the code signing digital signature issued to XINGCHEN ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY by VeriSign, Inc. on May 16, 2008 with the serial number '43637eb30396a400a3f12e1264fcf006'.