Welcome to the herdProtect Community

The herdProtect Community is a question and answer group for users focusing on malware. It's built and run by you as part of herdProtect and based on the Stack Exchange style of Q&A. With your help, we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about malware and malware removal.
We're a little bit different from most anti-malware and security forums. Here's how:

Ask questions, get answers

This site is all about getting answers. It's not a discussion forum. There's no chit-chat.
Just questions...
...and answers.
Good answers are voted up and rise to the top.
The best answers show up first so that they are always easy to find.
The person who asked can mark one answer as "accepted".
Accepting doesn't mean it's the best answer, it just means that it worked for the person who asked.

Tags make it easy to find interesting questions

All questions are tagged with their subject areas. Each can have up to 5 tags, since a question might be related to several subjects.
Click any tag to see a list of questions with that tag, or go to the tag list to browse for topics that interest you.

You earn reputation when people vote on your posts

Your reputation score goes up when others vote up your questions, answers and edits.
+5 when your question voted up
+5 when your answer voted up
+15 when your answer is accepted
As you earn reputation, you'll unlock new privileges like the ability to vote and comment.
At the highest levels, you'll have access to special moderation tools. You'll be able to work alongside our community moderators to keep the site focused and helpful.

Improve posts by commenting or voting

Use comments to ask for more information or clarify a question or answer.
You can always comment on your own questions and answers. Once you earn a 20 reputation, you can comment on anybody's post.
Remember: we're all here to learn, so be friendly and helpful!

Find a question to answer, or ask your own